Friday, July 20, 2012

Dark Knight Rises Shooting

From ABC7

A gunman barged into a crowded suburban Denver theater, hurled a gas canister and opened fire, killing 12 and injuring dozens more.
Police said one person has been arrested and there was no evidence of additional shooters. The suspect was identified as James Holmes, 24, of North Aurora, reports ABC News. There was no immediate word of any motive.
Holmes is a PhD student who recently withdrew from his neuroscience studies at the University of Colorado. He graduated from UC Riverside in spring 2010 with a degree in neuroscience. His last known address was in San Diego.

The shooting began around 12:30 a.m. CT Friday at the Century 16 Movie Theaters at the Aurora Town Center, during a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises." It was initially reported that 14 people were killed, but Aurora police revised that figure following further investigation. There were 71 people shot - 10 people were declared at the scene, two died at a local hospital and 59 people were injured.
Witnesses in the theater said Holmes barged into the auditorium through an emergency exit about 30 minutes into the movie, set off a smoke bomb and began shooting off dozens of rounds from multiple firearms.

Holmes was reportedly wearing a riot-type helmet, a gas mask and a bullet-resistant vest. A witness told ABC News that it all happened during a shooting scene in the movie, leading moviegoers to believe it was some sort of stunt for the film.
Holmes then slowly made his way up and down the theater aisles, shooting at random people - only stopping to reload. Emergency room doctors at an area hospital confirmed that a 3-month-old is among the victims being treated. Most of the victims were admitted with gunshot wounds, while some were being treated for shrapnel wounds. Nine people were reportedly in critical condition.

A Defense Department spokesman said there were six Navy service members in the theater at the time of the shooting. One was injured by shrapnel, and has been treated and released. The Navy is still determining the extent of the injuries to the other sailors.
<>Officers found Holmes near a car behind the theater. He did not resist arrest. Officials said Holmes told authorities he was the joker. He also spoke of possible explosives in his home. Investigators rushed to the apartment complex, which was quickly evacuated, including the surrounding area. Police say the apartment was booby-trapped and loaded with incendiaries and small improvised explosive devices. None of the devices is large enough to cause a large amount of property damage, but it is still dangerous to anyone in the immediate vicinity. The third installment of the Batman trilogy opened to packed auditoriums around the country at midnight showings and features a villain named Bane who wears a bullet-resistant vest and gas mask. Trailers for the movie show explosions at public events including a football game. Though many moviegoers dressed in costume to attend the opening night screening, police have made no statements about any connection between the gunman's motives and the movie. The Paris premiere of the movie has been canceled following news of the shooting, and director Christopher Nolan and cast members Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway and Morgan Freeman have also canceled their press interviews. President Barack Obama addressed the tragedy in remarks in Ft. Myers, Fla. Mr. Obama canceled his Friday campaign event in light of the Colorado shooting and is returning to Washington. The president released a statement saying he is "shocked and saddened" by the deadly shooting and urged the nation to "come together as one American family." He said he and first lady Michelle Obama were shocked by the "horrific and tragic" shooting and that his administration will do everything to support the people of Aurora, Colo. The FBI said there is no indication that the shooting has any connection to terrorism. A San Diego woman identifying herself as Holmes' mother spoke briefly with ABC News. She had not been contacted by authorities, but when she first heard the news, she immediately expressed concern that her son may have been involved. 
"You have the right person," she said, speaking on gut instinct. "I need to call the police. I need to fly out to Colorado."
Holmes' family members issued a statement Friday saying their hearts go out to those involved and that they are cooperating with authorities in San Diego and Aurora.
Aurora is located about 10 miles from downtown Denver.

So sad I can't even imagine what the families of the victims are going through right now. Sending off someone to do something as innocent as catch a movie, and then getting a call late at night that you will never see that  family member again. My condolences and prayers go out to them all.

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