Monday, January 7, 2013

Gone for a minute now we back again...

Well hello there, if you've been paying attention you may have noticed that we took a little hiatus for a few months that was due too a few technical difficulties, aka not paying the internet bill. Well now that the Wifi is back so are we, now I know what you might be thinking,"Hold up theirs internet everywhere, shit they give it out for free at Starbucks." and your right, but damn give me a break, I do have a life and shit my dude. And yea I could of just posted some things from my phone buuuuuut... alright fuck it I've just been a little lazy ok, but all that's behind me now and I'm ready to push this blog into overdrive (was that corny, I feel like it was a little too much but fuck it you get the point I'm trying to make). All corniness aside I want to thank anyone who's taken the time out to give us a look. I was literally shocked when I logged back in for the first time in awhile and saw the amount of hits we've generated since being gone. Somebody out there's been lurking hard and I ain't mad at ya playa whoever, wherever, how ever many of you their are I hope that you enjoy yourselves here and don't hesitate to tell a friend to tell a friend to check us out.

                                                               Preciate it pimpin',


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